- A Boraks, A Amend. 2020. Relationships between geographical range size, local abundance, and habitat specialization among tropical forest fungi– in preparation
- A Boraks, G M Plunkett, T Doro Jr., F Alo, S Chanel, M Tuiwawa, T Ticktin, A S Amend. 2020. Scale–dependent influences of distance and vegetation on the composition of aboveground and belowground tropical fungal communities – Microbial Ecology
- F Lichtner, G Broders, A Boraks, R Smith, K, Broders. 2020. Effects of perennial ryegrass mixtures on soil fungal and bacterial community composition: a multiyear study Phytobiomes – in review
- Amend AS, Cobian GM, Laruson AJ, Remple K, Tucker SJ, Poff KE, Antaky C, Boraks A, Jones CA, Kuehu D, Lensing BR, Pejhanmehr M, Richardson DT, Riley PP. 2019. Phytobiomes are compositionally nested from the ground up. PeerJ 7:e6609
- A Boraks, K Broders. 2015. Population genetic diversity of the rare hardwood butternut (Juglans cinerea) in the Northeastern United States. Tree Genetics and Genomes. 12:43 DOI: 10.1007/s11295-016-1002-2
- K Broders, A Boraks, L Barbison, J Brown, G Boland. 2014. Recent insights into the pandemic disease butternut canker caused by the invasive pathogen Ophiognomonia clavigigenenti-juglandacearu. Forest Pathology, 45(1): 1-8 DOI: 10.1111/efp.12161
- A Boraks, K Broders. 2014. Butternut (Juglans cinerea) health, hybridization, and recruitment in the northeastern United States. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 44: 1244-1252 DOI: 10.1139/cjfr-2014-0166
- K Broders, A Boraks, and G Boland. 2013. The invasion history of the butternut canker fungus, Ophiognomonia clavigigeneti-juglandacearum, in North America. Proceedings for: Western International Forest Disease Work Conference. Waterton Park, Alberta, Canada. October 7-11, 2013
- K Broders, A Boraks, A Sanchez, and G Boland. 2012. Population structure of the butternut canker fungus, Ophiognomonia clavigignenti-juglandacearum, in North American forests. Ecology and Evolution. 2:9, 2114-2127 DOI: 10.1002/ece3.332
- A Boraks. October 2012. Butternut Canker in New England. Invited speaker for the New York Nut Growers Association. Norwich, NY, USA
- A Boraks. November 2012. 1st Biennial MassMyco Meeting. Poster Presentation. Worcester, MA, USA
- A Boraks. August 2012. Evaluation of the effect of butternut canker on the genetic diversity of regenerating butternut in New England. Poster presentation. Annual meeting for the American Phytopathological Society. Providence, RI, USA
- A Boraks. June 2011. Population diversity of Ophiognomonia clavigigenenti-juglandacearu in southern Ontario, causal pathogen of Butternut Canker. University of Guelph Undergraduate Research Symposium. Guelph, ON, Canada